Best Keyword Research Tools for cost-effective On-page SEO

What is keyword for SEO?

  • Keywords are original to the search process
  • Keyword research is one of the most important valuable and high return actions in the search engines
  • Keywords are the words on a webpages that best explain that webpage
  • The total information retrieval is based on keywords
  • Ranking for the correct keywords can build or crack your website. By keywords researching your market's keyword want, you can not only learn which word and phrases to with SEO, but also know more about your traffics.

Keywords is not helps to getting traffics to your website, but also helps to know traffics behavior. The value of this intelligence can't be vulgar; with response to change market conditions and produce the products, services and content that visitors are aggressively looking. In the history of market place, there has never been such a low difficulty to entry in understanding the motivations of customers in virtually any place.

How much value of keyword in SEO?

How much is a keyword value in the website? If you have a website about online car sale, do you want more sales from visitors searching for "Toyota" or "Parado"? The keywords visitors type into search engines are often available to webmaster and keyword research tools permit to find this information. Though these tools can't show directly how valuable it is to receive traffics from those searches. Understanding the value of a keyword, we have to understand our own websites, make some guesses, test and repeat the classic online marketing techniques.

Why need to keyword research? 

Because visitors are looking their solution by using keywords. SEO wants to give best result to visitors about their query. So you should know what's keywords are more searching. Keyword research tools can help to know which keywords are more searching in the search engines. There are so many keywords tools : wordtracker, keyword discovery, google Adwords. Among them Google Adwords tool is the best and most of the SEO engineer use this tool.

Keywords research Tips & Tricks 


Which is your targeted market? You should thing the target market local or international. You can ask other persons which keyword is used to search query.
For proper keyword selection that you can do more, you can ask your target customer, sales people, friends and relatives those who search for any word on the subject was to noon.
Perhaps you're thinking that technical terms, it couldn't meet with them. You can visit related topics online forum/blogs. You can also visit your competitors website and take idea from there what he's doing, which kind of keyword is used. Then you write the idea on a paper.

keyword selection as subject wise

Create more than one keyword set as your product or service. This step may not be the right way at a time until your finishing keyword research, you will not be able to find out, people are using what kind of search term. So you need lot of time before research.


There are many tools for keyword research. Choose a category seed phrase or if you have a website you can directly enter your desired URL in google keyword research tool .
Now compile the export spreadsheet from keyword research tools. If you do think you can re-categorize keyword.


Opening the spreadsheet, you can skip to any non-relative phrases.Which keyword search count is low delete them. In this case, be careful. If you need to ask your client.

Determine competitiveness

Here is that you have to decide, do you want to compete on a more or less competition. Competitiveness is divided into 3 parts imported under the phrase. Target achievement will be so hard if you are running same phrase those who are running same keyword phrase. You should thing different otherwise your competitor will be high.

Competitiveness can be divided into 3 parts imported under the phrase:
  • Non-competitive
  • fairly competitive
  • Highly competitive

Correct keyword select:

At the end of these steps, you can easily pick your keyword while keyword select the following points keep on:
  • Relevancy to your website
  • Number of searches
  • Competitiveness level
First a word file and place it on your website providing the service and then type in your website's goal. Write more, Brainstorming of the phrase that got them through. Example as given bellow image

We are able to understand that the main purpose of the website. It will work with various product review of the Amazon Kindle and various information about them and to be sold this product to dissolve the Amazon's affiliate.
We have shown in the picture and enter the url in the Google Adwords tool. Notice the red color mark click the radio button on the left side of the website content. We can't give our website at the link on right hand mark. From here we can get ideas about different keyword phrase.

As well as we have selected keyword before by brainstorming. We will paste our keyword the mark option "Descriptive words or phrases" at the right side. Then "Use synonyms" click and click the "Get Keyword ideas".
Please scroll to the bottom to see list. Then select " Board Match>> Exact Match. Now we'll see the result for the specific phrase.

Choose columns to display the image bellow then go Hide Advertisement competition and click Hide Local search volume. At the bottom of the screen will look like. We will hide two thinks because we will keyword research as like us.

After hide like as below

Now scroll down and click CSV for exel, please save this file in excel. Through this file you can research very easily.

Google Adword tool is very helpful for research in which we can find an abundance of data. However that gives us a lot of unnecessary keyword and which may not have direct contact with any of our sites.

Open excel sheet and ask yourself - this keyword is appropriate for the site or if the keyword entered in the search engine to find the site? Through my site and search engine finds one then I don't or can't give their required information or service. Then find the whole phrase, the word that is not related to your website and delete them.

Here we're using it as an example of the site and the kindle, ebook reader, book reviews these word are related our site but kindled word is not related so I will delete it.

Thus, the elimination of all irrelevant word  delete form excel sheet  and save it.

Now open the saved excel sheet and there are some highly related keyword or phrases are selected. We'll divided in different category. Now I have select highly related keyword "electronic book reader" which is matched our website.

In this way, we select a few more category (highly related) and save them.

Open the last saved file where have keyword and monthly search volume. Now find different keyword's competitiveness. Competitiveness means we can say that a keyword optimized how to easy or difficult. The keyword is to compete at the number of pages on the web. So more competitive will be too hard to competitive the keyword, but number of search.

Now "Kindle review phrase" enter google search form excel sheet. You can see some result but the fact the google is the result of the show are result of the only kindle, only to have reviews of the result, or two results together and there's phrase. From which it is called, all pages may not optimizedfor kindle review phrase. 

Now we keep "kindle review" phrase in the search engine. The Number has decreased by many of the results 70300 here. We can say that ''kindle review'' phrase  has been used somewhere the websites. Form here it can be said, these pages may not be optimized for kindle review phrase.

So we'll use google's advance search term.

Now Enter in Google: allintitle:"kindle reviews"
If you just look at the results of 6060 show that the word kindle reviews of these websites are in Title tag. Kindle reviews in the title tag is the word, so that we can optimize the conditions of the sites have this phrase. Since this phrase is highly relevant at our site and we can use it. Now we have to do  more of some things.

Kindle review phrase enter Google search and see the results of the first which is very famous and has for a long time. That means which would be difficult to compete with.

See the link on this site to enter and there is no word directly kindly reviews, it's very likely that there are many backlink to kindle reviews phrase. Backlinks not understand the problem. so we can take this phrase. Now see Google search, there are big sites like pcworld. Competition is so much to be tough. If you wish, you can visit sites on google's first and how they optimize kindle reviews phrase. Thus one and the same procedure follow a few additional keyword to find out the number of participants.

Then open the excel sheet at the Global monthly searches and searches by the column's heading change and a new column called the next allintitle. Now kindle reviews phrase column enter 6060. Same-way find out others keywords allintitle. It's time consuming, so that thinking is highly related keyword to the allintitle out for them. Thus you can competitiveness measure of desired keyword for  your site. We hope that you will help the better Rank.

Now we'll open the excel file. where keywords searches and allintitle there. We'll see that the keyword competitiveness measure, the high number of searches for any keyword in the low number of competitor (Pages) are. We can get our desired keywords.
Now look at the example picture, then you will see that the "electronic book reading device" keyword search competitor number is 880 and only 147 pages. So you can compete here, because search result 880 is not bad.

Then 'electronics books device' comparative look at the keyword search at more than 480 of the best, because in contrast to the allintilte only 6. To get the necessary keywords and excel cell green color or another color of your choice. Thus, gradually to other keywords and highlight the green color.

Please note that these sheets are some keyword searches is low but allintilte is high. We must delete or make these keywords in red color. For example 'electronic books online' keyword search 480 and competitor 12300 against this word. This keyword will compete for the absurd. Usually this happens when keyword optimized is started without keyword research. This why keyword research is very important otherwise you will waste your time.
When the keywords are highlighted, then we'll have to sort the allintiltle column smallest to largest from excel sheet. It will help us to understand.
Here some things will be consider, such as if your site is a new then follow a kind of strategy and if your site is old then follow another strategy. You can see the graph bellow:

Generally it is thought that, allintitle is below 1000 consider as non-competitive, allintitle is 1000-3000 consider as fairly competitive, allintitle is 3000-5000 consider as competitive and more 5000 is consider as highly competitive.

If you keyword research correct way then you will get result gradually.

Site architecture with keyword

When keyword research will be finish then your main job to build site architecture. Search engines can identify which page is most important form site architecture. 

For example, our home or front page contains links to several pages. When search engine see that almost pages have links have to another pages, search engines gives most the importance that pages.

Internal or inbound link building with keyword

Your website pages link to another pages linked is called internal or inbound link. Internal linking site structure is very important for SEO.

For example, your site page refer to another 10 pages and another page refer to 3 other pages. So search engines take 10 inbound linked pages is most important. In this way our product page will be highlight by internal link building.

Page depth

Again, which page is more depth that page is less important because need to more click to enter this page.

Quality link building

Websites top navigation, sidebar and footer is very important because it is easy to click enter webpages.

Website pages content is changeable but links do not change generally. These places should contains important category or topic.
Use correct Anchor text from research we've found that keywords. 
SEO gives the important to linking. For example, in your top navigation link is more important than footer links.

You have to do keyword research to correct website category. Before you can write some category.
See the image that before I have select category or subcategory. We see the kindle accessories keyword research that have good monthly searches. So I have created new category or under subcategory.
Let's see how to use the category list in our website that I have created.


See Two images; I have used category word into top navigation and sidebar navigation so that website users can easily access the navigation bar page. Search engine give most important creating to linking in Home page.

Now I will create a new Excel sheet to work organized way. Notice in picture,  Entry the main category in first column. Main category keep in first column and keep some cell empty in order to entry keyword.

Then create subcategory and create title into the product pages.

Now I will use the excel sheet getting from keyword research. Pick the correct keyword form excel sheet, entry the keyword. And also write down allintitle and searches separate by comma. Now I create a cell beside allintitle and write the pages ( The keyword being used for any pages write it down).

Same job for others keywords

You need to enough time to this job. But when it will finished then you will know which keywords has been used which pages. You also need to this techniques to write keyword based content.
At first this list kill your time, later this list will save  your time.

Create SEO friendly URL by using keywords

Domain name is the most important for SEO. The best if you can manage exact match domain. That means; If your keyword and domain name is the same you can get extra traffic from search engines.
It is important that your page links are SEO friendly. Follow two links:
First url is the SEO friendly. Because you can understand to see the url about website.
